Because there is no place like your home
A traumatic brain injury occurs when a sudden trauma causes damage to the brain. Damage can be the result of a car accident, whiplash, assault, gunshot, wound, aneurysm, stroke, infection, anoxia, concussion, or blast injury. TBI results in changes to physical, cognitive, executive, behavioral, and psychological functioning. It is common to see emotional and behavioral changes in patients who have suffered a traumatic brain injury. There can be changes in the client ’s mood and in their ability to express feelings. It is also common to see personality changes. Behaviors and attitudes may be very different than before the TBI. Differences may be extreme, but more often they are subtle.
The goal of the Community Care TBI program is to provide an available alternative for individuals with brain injuries so they can live safely and independently in their homes. Community Care TBI Waiver Program services include:
The home and community-based Medicaid waiver for Nursing Home Transition and Diversion is an option available to New Yorkers with disabilities and for seniors so they can receive services in the most appropriate, least restrictive settings. The NHTD waiver was developed based on the philosophy that individuals with disabilities and seniors have the same rights as others to be in control of their lives and encounter and manage risks and learn from their experiences.
Individuals with disabilities or seniors and their families have long advocated for alternatives to institutional care. Through the NYS legislation the NHTD waiver is authorized as a cost-effective community-based alternative to nursing facility care and reflects New York’s commitment to serve all people in the least restrictive settings appropriate to their needs. Individuals who choose the NHTD program receive additional community-based choices to live meaningful and productive lives. Families and informal caregivers have access to additional support to assist them in their caregiver roles. Community Care develops an Individualized Service Plan (ISP) to include any of the services from the NHTD Waiver Program as well as specialty services. Community Care NHTD Waiver Program Services include: